We do love a good Christening at St Peter’s. The central part of the service is when your child is baptised at the font. This is a significant event in your child’s journey of faith and we want to help you make the best of it.
If you’re thinking about having a Christening at St Peter’s, there are a few things to bear in mind. First of all, the rules vary a little depending on whether or not we are your parish church. It’s helpful to have a look at the map to check whether you are or not. If you aren’t it’s not usually a problem, but there may be one or two extra steps in the process.
To help you understand what Christening is all about, you will need to be ‘prepared’, by coming to our Christening Course. There is a course every half term and you will need to attend all three sessions. You won’t be able to book a date for the Christening until you’ve been on the course, so please do book on in plenty of time. The dates for winter 2025 are below:
Sundays 2nd, 9th, 16th February at 3pm in church
Not a fan of online forms? You can call the office on 01302 495855 or email hello@stpetersbentley.org.
If you can’t make a course we would need you to become a regular at St Peter’s on a Sunday morning. If you come for four weeks we’ll be able to make a plan at that point to book a 1 to 1 conversation. Details of our services are here.