We need a new boiler for the Community Hall. At the moment the heating to the toilets and office is not working and there is no hot water. The boiler has been broken since February and the repairs cannot be put off any longer.
The quote we’ve had is for £3,024, which is more than we have free to spend at the moment!
Can you help support this important community building?
We are applying for money from grant funders too. Your donations will go into the buildings and maintenance fund. This means it can only be used to maintain or improve our buildings or towards our insurance or heating and lighting costs.
You can also make a payment on your internet banking app to St Peter’s Bentley PCC Sort Code 40-52-40 Account Number 00033179. Please use the reference BOILER-B so we know why you’re sending us the money! Our bank is not part of the Confirmation of Payee system. This means your bank won’t be able to confirm our details. If the numbers are correct, it will work though!