As Christians we are motivated by the generous way God gives to us. We see this most in his giving of himself in Jesus to die in our place. God is also the giver of every good gift.
It’s hard to learn to be generous when we live in a world where we always think we don’t have enough. Even very rich people often think that they could do with just a little more. Generous giving is a great way to break that cycle. To be thankful for what we have and to share with others.
Many Christians commit to give a tithe, which is 10% of their income. The Church of England recommends this practice and suggests that we give half of that to the local church and half to other organisations. If we’re earning above the national average, we might want to give more than 10%.
At the end of the day, how much you give will be a decision between you and God. You might give less, you might give more. The Bible ideal is that what we give is given cheerfully!
Giving to St Peter’s Bentley
St Peter’s is a registered charity. Our income comes from various sources, the largest being the generous giving of our congregation, the second being renting out the church hall. We are not subsidised by the Government. You can give to us in any of the following ways.
Parish Giving Scheme. You can set up a regular monthly donation by direct debit. If you’re a UK taxpayer you can gift aid your donations too.
Give a little. You can make one off, or recurring donations by card online. It also works with Apple pay or Google pay.
Other charities
As a church we also support some other charities that you might be interested in.
Grassroots is a child sponsorship charity. Their tag line is ‘where a little goes a long way’. Sponsorships start at just £5/month.
BetelUK works with drug users across the UK, helping them to find freedom in Christ.
Doncaster Youth for Christ is committed to reaching young people in Doncaster with the good news of Jesus.
Bentley Baptist Community Foodbank is the foodbank in Bentley!
Also you can make a donation to our CMA Bentley Trust fund, or the Uniform Bank. These are two ministries that help people in our community. You can give via direct bank transfer to sort code 405240 and account number 00033179 and use either CMATRUST or UNIFORM as the reference. Please note that our Bank is a small one and they are not signed up to the Confirmation of Payee system. This means your bank will give (many) dire warnings to check that you trust us. If you sue the details above, your donation will arrive. If you’re anxious, please make a small payment (say 50p) and then call us to check it has arrived before making a larger donation. Thank you!